Dear fellow trail rider,
IMAGINE, 25-35 miles of permanent equestrian trails in the Sam Houston National Forest! It's close to a reality!!!
Hi, my name is Marisa, and I'm the equestrian representative for the Sam Houston Trails Coalition, a group of volunteers formed in 2010 that has been diligently working to add to, and maintain, trails for equestrians, cyclists, motorized riders, and hikers. Progress has been steady and we are now looking for folks interested in riding the soon to be equestrians trails, and giving us new ideas.
I have two requests, the first is quick and easy and must be responded to by Wed., July 28th, so please read the two sections and see the link below each section.
First and foremost, our equestrian trail is in a period called the scoping period which means before construction begins, the trail is open for public comment. We need as many people as possible, equestrian or not, to write a short and friendly comment in an email stating why you would like to see a dedicated equestrian trail in the Sam Houston National Forest. Even if you don't live around here (northwest Montgomery Co. at southwest Walker Co.), you may want to come here to ride! Some will oppose this trail and will send their comments as to why; yet, we are more than willing to address their concerns in a positive way that will result in positive solutions. There are only three miles proposed to be multi-use so that other type trail users can connect to an existing multi-use trail from a nearby small private campground for motorized riders. This three mile section will NOT be near the equestrian trail-head parking, and it will have a 'transfer speed' which means the motorized riders will go very slow. They'll be signs to educate all users. We equestrians of the coalition are working together well with other trail users; respect and collaboration are growing. This is OUR chance to get our own designated horse trails!
So please write to the email address below, you will get an automated reply that your comment/email was received.
In the SUBJECT line write: Richards-Raven Equestrian and Multi-use Trail
Email to: comments-southern-texas-samhouston@fs.fed.us
Second, this equestrian project is a long-term project that will enable our children and grandchildren to benefit from the trails we will implement. Please consider becoming a member of the coalition; your membership fee of $10 and hours you spend volunteering are a form of paying it forward. Please go to the link below and learn about our coalition, come join us, share your ideas, and make new friends. Our next general meeting is Aug. 13th at 9-10:30 am, at the Sam Houston Forest Station, 394 FM 1375 W., New Waverly, TX 77358
Please feel free to contact me and ask questions, I'd love to have you in our group.
Our website is: www.trailscoalitionoftexas.org
Sincerely, Marisa (please forward to other riders who may be interested, thanks!)
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