Hosted by AmericanTrails.org
American Trails presents "The FAST Act: Advancing Trails with the New Federal Transportation Bill" on April 21, 2016 as a part of the American Trails "Advancing Trails Webinar Series"
This webinar is presented by Marianne Fowler, Kevin Mills, and Leeann Sinpatanasakul of Rails-to-Trails Conservancy.
Cost: $35 American Trails members / $55 nonmembers
This webinar will take a look at the FAST Act legislation passed by the U.S. Congress in December 2015 (Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act or "FAST Act"). The presenters will explain what the legislation means for trail funding of future projects. The presenters will go over changes to the Transportation Alternatives Program that funds walking and bicycling projects, and review the Recreational Trails Program, which remains the same since the last legislation. The webinar will also touch on new provisions to a low-interest loan program (TIFIA), which could help communities—in urban, suburban, or rural areas—more quickly build a complete trail or active transportation network. Join us to hear from experts on what the new legislation says and how the changes can benefit current and future trail work.
Key Learning Points – The FAST Act: Advancing Trails with the New Federal Transportation Act
Participants will be able to...
• Describe the changes to the Transportation Alternatives Program between MAP-21 and the FAST Act.
• Understand how the Recreational Trails Program works with respect to: funding allocations for different trail types, requirements to receive funding (i.e. advisory group must meet once a year), and the governor opt-out provision.
• Explain what the TIFIA program is, generally, and know that bike/ped work is eligible for TIFIA.
• Identify the five major changes to the TIFIA provisions in the FAST Act.
• Understand that collectively, these provisions could make it easier to finance (take out a low-interest loan) to complete a bike/ped/trail network.
For more information and to register, see:
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