Friday, 29 March 2019 - Community News
by Times reporter
A GROUP of local horse riders are asking for help to trace lost paths and trails used by horse riders in days of yore.
South West Riders will explain their quest at a meeting open to all in Bridestowe Village Hall on Friday, April 26.
Richard Leonard, from the group, said they had until 2026 to map lost cart tracks and the other pathways or see them lost forever.
Richard, who lives at Thorndon Cross, said: ‘South West Riders have organised this meeting to bring this matter to the attention of their members but anyone who is interested in retrieving lost rights of way is welcome to attend.
‘There is no doubt that over the years many footpaths and bridleways that should have been placed on parish council definitive maps have not been.
‘In many cases rights of way have also been recorded as footpaths when historically they have always been used by carts and people on horseback.
‘This means that in 2026, the cut-off point laid down by the Government, it will no longer be possible to reinstate them. They will, in short, be lost forever..."
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