Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Summer 2017 WSP Grant Program Applications now available


WSP Grant Info

The National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance is pleased to announce a continuation of the partnership with the Forest Service to bring our partner members the Wilderness Stewardship Performance (WSP) activity grants for the Summer 2017.

What is the WSP Grant Program

Wilderness Stewardship Performance is the suite of activities which the Forest Service uses to measure their wilderness stewardship accomplishment. This grant program is for wilderness stewardship volunteer organizations to support wilderness stewardship activities that contribute to overall improvement in wilderness stewardship performance scores for individual wilderness areas.

NWSA and the Forest Service are pleased to offer this opportunity for wilderness stewardship groups to assist the Forest Service in meeting their wilderness stewardship performance goals.  We are hoping that the success of this grant program will lead to its further expansion in the future.

Summer WSP 2017 Grant Program Details

The application period for Summer 2017 WSP Grants is now open.  Approximately $180,000 is available to be granted during the Summer 2017, for work completed May 2017 through September 2017.   Grants will be in the $2,000 - 20,000 dollar range.  
Information about this session of the WSP Grant Award program can be found in the NWSA Summer 2017 WSP Grant FAQ's.
The application period ends March 10th, 2017.  Click here for the application.

Also included in the application package is a Budget Form.  A letter of support from the affected Forest Service Office is also required.

All applicants must be members in good standing of NWSA.
Any additional questions can be addressed to randy@wildernessalliance.org. 

Good luck to all that apply.

For more information, see:

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