Started February 13, 2024
Why this petition matters
Started by Jennifer Stalley
The San Francisco Bay Area, renowned as an equestrian paradise, is facing a significant threat. Big Basin State Park's reopening plan currently excludes provisions for equestrian parking, jeopardizing our ability to access the unparalleled beauty of the redwood trails. This issue is not isolated to our local community in the Santa Cruz mountains; it reflects a broader trend of encroachment and development that threatens equestrian trail access nationwide.
• The world-famous Tom Quilty Cup in Australia recently lost its historic trail routes to development.
• The renowned Tevis Cup is under extreme pressure to keep its historic trail accessible.
• Just 30 years ago, a horse and rider could ride through Big Basin on a 100 mile loop in 1 day. These days will be gone forever!
The American Horse Council estimates that there are approximately 7.2 million horses in the United States and millions of riders who enjoy this pastime. Yet despite these numbers, we are witnessing a systematic reduction in trail accessibility for horseback riders.
The loss of safe equestrian parking facilities at Big Basin State Park would not only affect local and visiting equestrians, but also have wider implications on tourism revenue and the preservation of our cultural heritage. We urge park management to reconsider their reopening plan and include provisions for safe equestrian parking.
Join us in preserving access to these unique trails by signing this petition today. Let's ensure future generations can experience the unmatched joy of riding through Big Basin redwoods.
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