December 30, 2020 by NWHS
Sometimes, even in the midst of a pandemic one gets a call that is life changing. One Tuesday evening in July, Bob and Sabrina Amidon, received a phone call from a friend.
All the caller said, “I know you are avid horse people, did you hear that Cowboy Campground in Idaho City is for sale?” That left a bit of urgency.
Quick research confirmed the news and a plan was put together, with the help of Hopkins Finance, an offer was turned in, all in just 14 hours from receiving the phone call. Crazy times sometimes needs quick actions; with this Cowboy Campground has been saved and will be preserved. It will continue as a Horseman’s first resource for camping in the Boise National Forest within an hour drive of Boise.
The Amidon’s got the assistance of other horse people and raised the needed down payment in record time to make sure the closing could happen. They created Cowboy Campground LLC, got their business licenses and after closing and now owning a campground a huge fund-raiser was implemented and after just three weeks Cowboy Campground at Legacy Park has been created with 14 brand new Horse Campsites which include the sponsors name, new panels, new picnic tables and a lil bit of love...
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