Duke Energy TRAILS at Rockingham Community College has developed a sustainable trail skills training sequence of classes for varying skill levels and interests.
The sessions will be offered in two formats to meet student needs and time availability.
*Longer sessions will provide information over multiple day classes and will often include additional field work.
*Shorter sessions will provide information through individual classes on single days.
Classroom teaching and experiential learning will be combined to help students understand the class content in both formats.
These classes will be beneficial for anyone that has an interest in or is responsible for managing natural surface multiple-use trails. These trail skills will enhance the overall skill set of land managers, volunteer trail crew leaders and members, parks and recreation staff, trip leaders, outdoor recreation entrepreneurs, and ecological/nature-based operators.
Additional training topics will be added in the future based on demand. If your agency or organization has specific trail skills training needs, please let us know so we can create and schedule a program that meets your needs.
*Hampton Inn, Eden, and Holiday Inn and Suites, Reidsville, are offering a special rate ($72 + tax) for TRAILS program students that may need overnight accomodations. Please call the hotel directly, and tell them you are with the Rockingham Community College TRAILS program.
For more information, see:
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