Sunday, December 11, 2016

West Region: Horse Trailheads by Robert Sydnor

For members of the West Region of the American Endurance Ride Conference, I have prepared 71+ trailhead reports that you can download (for free) and use for conditioning your endurance horse.

These reports are in stable Adobe Acrobat .pdf format, and are typically about 3 pages long. All 71 reports are posted on my GoogleGroups website. This is *not* a blog site, since none of us AERC riders have time for that. My scholarly reports contain *no* advertising (since I am a geologist, not a businessman). AERC Trails Manager Monica Chapman suggested that I post the hyperlink here on the AERC Facebook page. This has taken me six years to write these AERC trailhead reports, and new reports appear each month.

These trailheads are mostly in Placer County, El Dorado County, Sacramento County, Nevada County, with several other reports at Yosemite National Park, Point Reyes, and the San Francisco Bay region. Emphasis is on the highway location of the trailhead and the logistics at that particular trailhead (road maps, gates, fee for usage, horse water (or not), and so forth.

This is not about the trails themselves, and the emphasis is how to find the trailhead and what conditions to expect. So I use lots of photographs of the horse assembly area. That way, nobody is disappointed about what to expect. Recall the aphorism that "A picture is worth a thousand words".....and this is certainly true for us AERC riders. That way, with lots of photographs, there are no adverse surprises when you arrive with a loaded horse trailer.

I want to encourage other AERC Trail Masters and AERC Ride Mangers to also create their own Google Groups website with hundreds of horse trailheads described for other AERC Regions across America. That way we can promulgate more riders to become members of AERC and join us. We want to be inviting to regular trail riders. Case in point: There are 14,283 persons at this website, but only about one-quarter of them are dues-paying members of AERC. We want our AERC membership to grow and to show "value-added" for actual membership.

Here is my trailhead website for AERC West Region:
Horse Trails by Robert H. Sydnor, Geologist!forum/horsetrails

Respectfully submitted, Robert Hadley Sydnor, AERC Trail Master, AERC Statewide Horsetrails Advocate for California, and Geologist.

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